PASC20 would like to thank its partners and sponsors for their support.

Industry and Academic Sponsors

Diamond Sponsors

Faculty of Science of the University of Geneva, Switzerland

University of Geneva, Switzerland

Gold sponsors

DALCO AG, Switzerland
DALCO AG is a leading provider of high-performance computing solutions in Europe. DALCO specializes in the design and implementation of cluster-based supercomputers utilizing the Linux operating system. The company delivers custom hardware solutions designed to meet customers’ exact computing requirements. DALCO’s brand is associated with quality and consistently highly-rated support and service. DALCO’s vision is to provide the best custom  technology to enable leading scientists and creative brains to conduct research, make breakthroughs and develop products – from chemistry and medicine to engineering and nutrition – to understand physical phenomena and thus to enrich our daily life.

Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland

The Paul Scherrer Institute, PSI, is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland. We perform world-class research in three main subject areas: Matter and Material; Energy and the Environment; and Human Health. By conducting fundamental and applied research, we work on long-term solutions for major challenges facing society, industry and science.
PSI operates large scientific research facilities, such as the Swiss Light Source (SLS), the free-electron X-ray laser SwissFEL, the SINQ neutron source and the SμS muon source, which offer out-of-the-ordinary insights into the processes taking place in the interior of different substances and materials. These are the only such facilities within Switzerland, and some are the only ones in the world.

Silver Sponsors

NCCR-MARVEL, Switzerland

Microsoft Switzerland, Switzerland

Institutional partners

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), USA

Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) of ETH Zurich, Switzerland

ETH Board, Switzerland

ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC), Switzerland

ACM Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing, USA

Media partners

The Swiss HPC Service Provider Community (hpc-ch), Switzerland

insideHPC Media, USA

Event partners

ISC High Performance, Germany